Monday, December 1, 2014

December Goals

Oh, the start of a new month. It seems so tidy when it starts on a Monday, doesn't it? And December 1st is all the more nice when you can go for a walk on the beach in a T-shirt! Took advantage of that, because that nice weather will be gone tomorrow.

The other nice thing about the start of a month is that I get to write my list of goals.
This month will be a little weird, as I am moving to a new place for a new (short term) job in the middle of the month, which always makes for a bit of upheaval. But hey, I'm nothing if not ambitious, so I'm gonna try to meet all my goals, move or no move!


1) Get back on track for marathon training: I signed up once again for one of my favorite races, the Myrtle Beach marathon. Training was going along great, until I went to Haiti for a week. (no real safe place to bang out miles. Plus really hot) I figured I'd just get back on track at home. Enter plane sickness, which knocked me out of commission for almost 2 weeks. And now I'm struggling back into training. I'll get it back in December. I have to!

2) Get Xmas cards sent out before the move. Gotta sit down with some envelopes in front of Netflix for a good long stretch.

3) Finish up FMS certification exam. What is it with me and certifications? I have like a million of em!

4) And get licensure renewals completed Got a million of them, too.

5) 30 days of Dailey Method workout. One of the girls I went to Haiti with swears by this. And my back has been feeling -- off for a while. So I'm jumping in.

6)  Holiday Lights 5K with the family My nieces and my dad are doing this fun race with me. Times will be slow, I'm sure. But Santa oversees the race! So its a must

7) Downsize the storage unit to the smallest size. I've had a storage unit for over a year. Storing stuff that really isn't worth the cost of storing. I mean, they have Ikea for a reason!

8) Go for a nice, long hike in the mountains. No sense in moving if you're not going to take advantage of the new surroundings!

9) Girls nite with J and S before I go

10)  Finally begin the digital photo book I've said I was going to do for about a year!

today's workout:
Dailey method legs
3 mile run
walk on beach


Carolina John said...

Good luck! We're actually skipping the myrtle beach marathon next year.... for now. I've got a 50k in maryland the next weekend, but that doesn't mean we won't end up down in MB anyway.

Where is the new moving to location? Still within new england or further south?

hebba said...

I'll be in WInston Salem, NC in 2 weeks. Your neck of the woods, I believe. maybe we can go for a hike or a run!

Carolina John said...

Cool! Winston is still about a 3 hour drive from Raleigh. I'll have to see what we can work out though.