Thursday, December 16, 2021


 It's one thing to SAY you're going to make some changes. It's quite another to actually follow through. My apartment is filled with half finished projects and books, magazines, gadgets and gear purchased with the best of intentions but now sit gathering dust and cobwebs. 

In my defense, of course, I just haven't had any spare time in the past couple years. I have more time now. 

Whenever I see someone else's summaries of great changes they've made, they start out with elaborate explanations of their plan.  There are spreadsheets, multiple phases, criteria for advancing to each phase, and mountains of research to back it all up.

I figure, if you are organized and motivated enough to produce such an elaborate plan, you probably don't need to change all that much.

Me? I did a brain dump. 

I came across an idea to forego resolutions in lieu of a list of "22 things to accomplish in 2022". I decided to take it a step further. "52 things to accomplish at 52"   And since there are 52 weeks in a year, I can strive for one thing a week. Ish. 

I mean, some of the things are long term endeavors, which must wait several weeks or months or even the entire year to complete. At the same time, sprinkling a few short, easy wins into the mix could be a self esteem booster. 

We'll see how it goes. 

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