Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer day

So today was the day that I took control and decided to live my life the way I want and ignore the rest of the drama. Rollerbladed 9 miles along the canal in the am, went to the farmer's market (very low turnout of vendors today, I'm wondering if the holiday weekend in the beach town kept them away) and then to the beach. Feeling like a summertime girl again! Top off the jeep, ocean water feeling warm, and a ridiculously lite chick-lit book in my beach bag. (I even got a once over from a cute hottie about 15 years younger than me)

Summer's looking up.


Carolina John said...

At least you made it to the beach! I need some more coffee.

I'm fighting the opposites. Ironman training is killing me, I have no time to blog about it, I just took a new job and started working from home again so of course I'm getting nothing accomplished fast. Have a great summer!

btw, at least we got to run the myrtle beach marathon this year. Well, I only did the half. but it was fun.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like an awesome day, especially as the beach has been cold and cloudy lately here! If I'm ever out there, will you give me a ride in the top-off jeep? Truck doesn't exactly convert...

jeremy said...

Such a wonderful day to spend with the family.