Monday, May 2, 2011

May Goals

And here we are in May. I haven't been around in bloggie world a lot in April. I've been a bit enamoured with paper journals and colorful pens. Something is just so soothing about your hand moving across the page and the feel of the paper beneath your fingers. Computers just don't have that tactile soothing quality.

Anyway, April was strange, just as March was. My little JeepGirl world is in upheaval and I'm just at the periphery of the problem. It's as if my entire existence now revolves around "being there". With a shoulder to cry on. A comforting word. Or a handful of chocolaty something. Sometimes that's the most important thing you can do.

Anyway, in light of that, a lot of my own goals took a back seat. Which is OK. I guess. Life is like that, sometimes.

April Goals:

1) Go Vegan for a month: I ended up going about 80/ 20. Feeling better overall. But I did learn that I need to pack more snacks for work. 11-12 hour work days followed by the gym requires lots of nourishment.

2) Read 4 books: This month I read Zero Regrets by Apolo Ohno (liked it a lot), The Alexander Technique (kind of a posture and body alignment theory thing. Work stuff) Dedication by Emma Mc Laughlin and Nicola Kraus (the authors behind The Nanny Diaries. I liked Dedication. It was very funny) and I'm half way through Power vs Force by David R Hawkins (It was given to me by an old coworker. I like some of the stuff, but some is quite out there. I'll let you know when I'm done). I'm thinking in the months to follow, I may choose my monthly books -- mind, body, spirit, and fun.

3) Continue Tri Training: This has been going, but quite sporadically. I have some great workouts under my belt. The mileage is going up. The strength training is consistent. But sometimes a brick workout has to take a back seat to being a good friend. So I'll finish the races. But I won't be fast.

4) Study and pass Kinesiotaping exam: Almost. I took the class, but due to a registration snafu, I'm waiting to get my exam registration details to take it on line. Next month.

5) File taxes. Done. What a pain that is.

6) Spring Cleaning with a major trip to the thrift store: Done. It's looking more clear in here.

7) Daily Journaling: 3/4 credit. I missed one week

8) Girl's Day Out: Success. We saw Water for Elephants at the movies. I thought it was pretty true to the book. I liked it. And I didn't find Robert Pattinson completely annoying the way I do in the Twilight films. So thumbs up.

9) Have a great Easter with the kids: success

10) Hang with Nerd: Fail. Sometimes a nerd takes a back seat to being a good friend, too.

And now its May. And the weather has FINALLY started to warm up! So its high time to

1) Do the winter/summer clothes switch. And get rid of stuff I don't wear.

2) Read 4 books -- mind body spirit fun

3) Send 4 snail mail letters. I'm still in the paper and pen state of mind.

4) Get summer race schedule set and summer fun schedule set, too!

5) Make 3 contacts at Abilities Expo

6) Get aerobars on the bike!

7) Brick workouts, brick workouts, brick workouts

8) Daily journaling in my paper journal :)

9) Have a great time at my nephew's birthday party

10) Finish half marathon in less than 2 hours.


carol l mckenna said...

Wow ~ JeepGirl ~ got enough goals? ^_^ Stopped by from New England Blogger ~ great blog ~ come by and visit ~ hugs ~ Carol ~ artmusedog ^_^

Unknown said...

Goals are good, i like this idea.
Wonder what goals i could set for myself.
Way to get me thinking :)

Unknown said...

I love your goals!