Saturday, February 1, 2014


February has, in my mind, always had the distinction of being both the shortest month, and the longest SEEMING month. I'm pretty sure everyone I know gets sick of me saying "Thank goodness February is only 28 days… I couldn't take any more!"

On the other hand, February is also known as the month of LOVE. So even though I'm one of those who considers valentine's day to be a really dumb, manufactured holiday, I also can think of nothing better to dedicate a month to than LOVE. 

SO I guess the best thing to do is to combine those two lines of thought and conclude that February is absolutely wonderful, because it's a long seeming month dedicated exclusively to love. What could be better? 


1)  28 day HIIT plan plus cardio. Inside or outside. Whichever.

2) 1 new recipe per week

3) Continue to get rid of one thing per day  (It's weirdly fun!)

4) Secure travel job for March or April

5) Go skiing 2x this month!!

6) Get cute valentines gifts for the nieces and nephews (even though in principle, I oppose the holiday!)

7) Read (and get rid of) 6 books.

8) Take off some of the weight I put back on after the trail! (6# this month)

9) Blog posts 23 times this month

10) Girl's nite with the gals around here!

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