Sunday, May 16, 2010

I've been kind of flaky about posting this month. I've also been a bit more or less flaky on my goals, as well. It seems like a really whiny excuse that my little back injury and subsequent inability to train left me well, whiny and disillusioned with goals. So I plugged away as best I could and tried not to be whiny on the blog.

Finally embracing the idea of a season of sprints instead of a half ironman, I found something unexpected but welcome occurring: all kinds of opportunities I would not have considered, had I been on target with my goals presented themselves.

A friend who just got scuba certified asked if I wanted to attend a Cape Cod Scuba Club meeting with her and I met a bunch of cool people and left with a dive calender. (I went to my parents and pulled out my scuba stuff which hasn't been used in a LONG time.)

A co-worker asked if I wanted to join her with some friends at a pub after work one night and I agreed. I ended up re-connecting with somebody I hadn't seen in over ten years and now have a few potential hiking buddies.

And this weekend, I learned that the Adaptive Paddling Expert (or APE as they fondly call themselves) associated with our adaptive sports club would not be able to man the sessions this summer. So I was offered a free certification! The certification class takes place on the weekend I originally had planned doing the half ironman. Had my plans gone well, I couldn't have taken advantage of this cool opportunity.

And while I'm not ready to throw out my lists completely, I am feeling a little more open to just letting things unfold as they want to this summer. Who the hell knows where I'll end up?


The Singlutionary said...

I love that your life is unfolding in this way. I've been pretty flakey about lots of things lately: writing on singlutionary, exercise, cleaning the house, taking my dog on adventures.

But whenever I am flakey about one thing, I am being NOT flakey about another -- I just can never remember what the thing I DIDN'T flake out on is!

But truly-- when it rains, it pours. I am enjoying hearing about all your adventures and the communities that you're finding yourself a part of!

Anonymous said...

I whined about my feet the other day. Nothing wrong with a little venting here and there!