Tuesday, April 24, 2012

running again

I have recently been asked to join a relay event to replace a runner who was injured. I have never done a relay before, but heard that they were really fun so I said "sure!"

A week later, the most experienced runner in the group severely injured herself and somehow, I've agreed to run the longest leg of the race.

So, for somebody who hasn't really run since the marathon in January, I am now faced with trying to get my ass back in shape. (I will need to do 25 miles in 3 legs)

I ran 7 last night and feel fine today. I have to run 9 for my longest leg.

I gotta get running!

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

You'll be fine on the relay. I've never done one either but they do seem like a blast! Try running short distances twice in the same day just to get ready for it. 3 miles on saturday morning, then another 3 miles saturday afternoon or something like that. if you're not used to 2-a-day workouts it can be a surprise.