Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ok, so I haven't been keeping up with ANYTHING over the past week, except work and working out. No blogging, planning meals has been in the shitter, getting to bed at a decent hour hasn't happened at all. It almost seems counterproductive to even do a

1) Lo Carb. Good thing I didn't sign on to do a documentary of my new eating habits for 30 days. Because its not really happening. I mean, I have been watching what I have been eating more, but I have noticed that I feel stuffed and bloated but still hungry if I try to stick to the lo carb. I did recieve a book I ordered in the mail this week, and interestingly enough, this is one of the topics they covered. Seems that there are many people out there who feel positively nauseated and sick when they try to go lo carb. (Not knocking the people who have had great success with it. Power to ya, peeps!) But I have taken a new approach, more by logging what I have been eating and seeing how I feel, how long it takes me to get hungry again after eating, and what my energy level is. It seems that if I go too far in either direction (too high a proportion of protein and fat or too high a proportion of carbs) I don't feel that great. So I am playing around with getting the proportions right. I guess that's really what its all about, anyway. On a good note, I look better!

2) Continuin with the theme of changing direction, since I cannot find "The Awakening" anywhere and I stupidly forgot to write down the author (and since google didn't shed any light on the matter) I have decided to read "Stumbling Upon Happiness". I once saw that book in the airport and it looked interesting, but I decided that "Bitter is the New Black" would be a better plane book. So I am smart on three accounts with my decisions here.

3) No new sheets yet. But since I am attempting to spend gift cards, I may have to go look at Macy's since I have Macy's gift card. Maybe I will do that tomorrow.

4) Scuba...St Marting one week away, gotta pack my scuba stuff.

5)Had the girls over last weekend. It was great and frustrating and fun and annoying and I love them to pieces.

6)All turbo taxed up, efiled and awaiting some refund money. I may have to get a shortie wetsuit with it.

7)I have successfully used one gift card. The Gap. Many more to go. I just wish the mall had better stuff to buy. Stuff stinks.

8) Finances, finances. I never understand finances. Which is why I probably avoid them so much.

9)No museum yet.

10) Stranger on the beach, here I come.

Plus, from this week:

April 8: Make someone feel good day.
April 9:Accept a compliment day.
April 10: Praise the weather day.
April 11: April Hostility Day (why are Fridays always so hard?)
April 12: Exercise just a little more day.

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