Friday, November 2, 2012


Oh, I'm so happy right now. Happy because I feel like the entire month is spread out before me with so many days in which to make green smoothies and use my juicer, to work out both inside and out, to walk on the beach in a warm hoodie, to hang with the family, drink tea and hot chocolate, to make list and check em off, to move forward, forward, forward.

I'm happy because I have electricity and hot water and a roof over my head. I have a good family with very little drama. I'm happy and I seem to have jumped into the thankful mindset with both feet.

I'm happy because it's goal time!


I spent October weighing some options with an Oct 31st deadline to make a pretty big decision. I made it. So starting here and now, I have a bit of tidying up and foundation building to do.

1) Get all online financial accounts set into one spot.

2) Have Xmas shopping 3/4 done at end of month

3) 7 or more servings of veggies a day

4) Begin training program for next big adventure

5) Pare down 4 more books

6) Plan craft activity for kids on Thanksgiving

7) Clean out storage area over Mom & Dad's garage 

8) Girl's nite out with J and Shell

9) 1 new recipe a week

10) Get car winterized before the snow starts to fall

My co-workers. Sometimes work isn't great, but the people I work with always are.

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