Friday, November 1, 2013

Recap of October Goals

Happy November!! Today is a warm but blustery day, with the colorful leaves blowing all around -- a very, very November-y day!

But before I jump head first into November, I gotta look back at those October goals!!


1) Secure per diem position to start replenishing bank accounts.  check!
2) Go on 4 local hikes. Half credit..went on two hike/ trail runs.
3) Complete the first 4 weeks of The Artist's Way. Done!
4) Finish up my posts for the hiking blog. Done!
5) Get the photos loaded up to Snapfish and share with hiking buddies. Done!
6) Have a movie nite with J & S. Fail. When goals depend on other people's schedules, sometimes that happens!
7) Complete template for 3 month training plan for transitioning back into running, biking, swimming. Done. and then some. (had to tweak the workout plan a bit)
8) 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Fail!! But I did clean up the fridge to get some SPACE for good food and did about 1/2 credit.
9) Sleepover with nieces and nephews. Check!
10) 30 Day Meditation Challenge. Successful on around 25 days.

Overall, success on 6/10, half credit on 2/10, and fail on 2/10. Not bad for the first month back.
Now I can jump head first into November!

TODAY'S THANKFUL: I am thankful I have extra time to do all the things I missed out on doing when I was working too much!!

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