Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Check In

Here is is: 4 weeks into The 52 Things Year and if based solely on the number of blog entries, I'm failing miserably. But in reality, I'm doing pretty well. 

I haven't been writing blog entries in a couple weeks, but I have been writing pretty regularly. Journaling, my 52 Thing Notebook, letters, etc.  Over the holidays, my niece said a number of things that all seemed to boil down to: "I'm broken and I need somebody else to fix me." Which is patently untrue. She's 22 years old, working a good job, living in New York, and doing pilates every day.  So why all the negative self talk? I got her journal with daily prompts focusing on self esteem. I've been doing the prompts with her and emailing about it. I do need to start blogging more, though. 

Running has been going well, too. I'll admit, I didn't run every single day over the past 4 weeks, but I have actually gotten into a habit. Over the past two years, I tried to get back into running and I started out too fast. My back was hurting and my leg went numb after every run. It was pretty disheartening. This time, I started on a walk run program (which, truth be told, was kind of disheartening in the beginning). But the super slow start paid off- I'm actually starting to enjoy running again. No back pain, no leg numbness, and once again the feeling that running is my "me time". 

Downsizing has been going along nicely, too. Another goal I've gone in on too  quickly in the past. Before, I'd empty the entire closet and then have piles of stuff to go through all over the place as my motivation waned. Getting rid of just one thing a day as I slowly tidy up has me feeling so much more efficient and organized. And I don't feel stressed to get everything done by a certain time. I feel like I have the entire year to get it done! Best of all, I've started to become that person who remembers  to do nice things. You know that person? The person who sends a nice card to pick you up when you are down? The person who remembers your favorite kind of cake for your work birthday? I'm remembering those things since my piles are slowly becoming more controllable and things are back in their places. 

3 days to the next official 30 day challenge start date. Getting ready to cross some THINGS off the list!

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